Tuesday, August 25, 2009

I Go in Reverse Real Well

So, as you can see he has reverse down. No, I don't purposely put my child underneath his jumper to keep him under control. I was busily running around in the kitchen and in the laundry room folding laundry continually saying, "Hey! You're ok, you don't need me to entertain you every second! Just play for a few minutes longer and I'll come down!" Now this was in response to his general "I'm annoyed" sound--not crying, not in distress, just grunting and well, whining. Finally after a few minutes of it becoming even more incessant, and thinking "geez this kid needs some attention today!" I looked down to find him trapped. Thank you, thank you, yes, I'm applying for Utah Mother of the Year next month.


Emily said...

Love it! Isn't so fun to watch all the stages and how everything is soo cool and new! I hope school is going well... give me a call when you get a minute!

The Huffakers said...

So cute! I love that he is going backwards first. He looks so familiar, oh yeah he is your identical twin. What a huffaker!
When are you bringin' the lil' linebacker to Arkansas?
Miss you guys